Dental Implants in Whitchurch - Stouffville

Missing teeth can make your smile less appealing and often cause oral health issues. At Hoover Park Dental, we offer dental implants to restore the appearance and function of your smile. Our dentists can place and restore your dental implant as well as provide pretreatments in our office. Our general dentists can perform a variety of implant treatments, ranging from a single tooth to full mouth restorations.

Located in Whitchurch-Stouffville, our team understands the importance of your mouth's oral function and will provide free dental implant consultations to get you started on your dental restoration journey. Our team will take the time to listen to your unique needs and develop a treatment plan to the goals of your smile. If you need dental implants in Whitchurch-Stouffville, call our office today!


What Are Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots surgically placed into your jaw designed to mimic the function and appearance of your natural tooth. Dental implants are composed of three parts: the post, which is inserted into the jaw; the abutment that connects the post and the restoration; and the restoration, which is the visible portion of your implant. Dental restorations offered by our office are:

  • Single implant crowns: Our office uses crowns to replace a single missing tooth. The crown attaches to the dental implant post and acts as your new tooth.
  • Bridges: If you are missing two or more teeth, we will use a dental bridge. The bridge is supported by dental implants placed on either side of the gap in your teeth.
  • Dentures: If you are missing full arches of teeth, our dentist will place a denture restoration. The dentures are supported by dental implants that are inserted into your jaw.
  • All-on-4®: Our office offers All-on-4, which supports up to a full arch of teeth on only four dental implants. For those who qualify, this effective procedure allows for quick healing time.

Our Dental Implant Process

Our office will begin your dental implant process by scheduling your free consultation. During this consultation, we will review your oral health and discuss your goals for your smile. We will then develop a custom treatment plan to meet your needs. Our dentist will perform any necessary pretreatments and allow healing time to ensure your jaw and gums are healthy enough for an implant procedure.

When performing a dental implant procedure, our dentist will surgically insert the post into your jaw to act as your new tooth root. After your mouth has healed from surgery, you will return to our office, where we will place your new dental restoration and provide any aftercare instructions you may need.

Our Pretreatment Options

If we find during your consultation that your gums and jaw are not healthy enough to support a dental implant, you may need to undergo pretreatments in preparation for your tooth implant. Our team provides pretreatments in-house to avoid the hassle of seeing multiple offices during your implant journey. The pretreatments offered by our office are:

  • Extractions: Preserving your natural tooth is always a top priority in our office, but if the tooth has too much decay or damage, it may need to be removed in preparation for your dental implant.
  • Bone Grafts: A bone graft is performed by our team to enhance the bone density in your jaw to provide a stable foundation for your tooth implant.
  • Sinus Lifts: We perform sinus lifts where extra bone mass or space is needed to support an implant. This procedure is specific to the upper arch and involves lifting the sinus membrane to accommodate the bone graft material.

Dental Implants FAQs

Our office understands dental implants can be intimidating, and you may have questions regarding your treatment. Our team is ready to guide you on your implant journey and answer any questions you may have throughout your treatment. Common dental implant questions are:

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants are designed to be a long-lasting solution for tooth loss. With proper care and checkups with our dentist, they can last up to 25 years.

Our dentist will provide a free consultation where we will determine the correct treatment for you.

Yes, you can eat and drink normally with your dental implants. They are designed to mimic the function of your normal teeth.

Restorative Dental Implants in Whitchurch-Stouffville

If you are looking for dental implants in Whitchurch-Stouffville, our team offers a variety of implant treatments to give you a smile you desire. Our dentists will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan and give you the necessary care. We will take the time to listen to your unique goals and meet them. If you are ready to fill the gaps in your teeth, call our office today for a free dental implant consultation!


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2025 Hoover Park Dental

We love to make you smile